Google Waves is finally here!!! Frankly I'm loving it. It's a whole new way of communication. I have attached a screenshot. And it's simple to get an account, just visit Look for a request for an invitation section. But here is what I suggest for the devcore members. I would like us all to preview this thing, and test it, and I would like us to be privileged in being among the first people to use this great technology. Du you remember the days when GMAIL was released? Long before GTALK came. Do you remember how back then (back in 2003 or so), you could not apply for a Google account directly but you had to be invited by someone. Well, that same thing is happening. So far I've got about 4 invites left, I am hoping that if I invite four of you guys from devcore, then each one of you will have 8 invitations and you can invite 8 people of your own choice. Just remember to invite those people that are worth inviting. PS - I didnt invite my girlfriend coz she's not really into technology that much so it's a wasted invite, coz she'll probably wait until the whole world is using it to recognize that it's a good thing. It's just like facebook. I mean, who in 2004 knew about facebook. Who among you, by 2006 knew about facebook? It was only after the whole world became crazy about it that we opened our eyes to it. That includes twitter, and God knows some other things out there we don't know because we wait until the geeks tell us that it's great. Guess what? For once, let's be pioneers in this thing. I've checked it out and it looks very awesome. See below a screenshot of this amazing thing in action... For more visit

In the screenshot, that was me, Lawrence Mateveke, and Victor Mudziviri communicating via waves.
In the screenshot, that was me, Lawrence Mateveke, and Victor Mudziviri communicating via waves.